Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 30 Occupational Health and Safety Being in an energy-related industry, Wasco has a prime objective to establish a safe and healthy workplace for employees, contractors and other stakeholders while protecting the environment. HSE is paramount and prioritised throughout the Group. Wasco’s health and safety policy applies to all contractors and other stakeholders present on its premises. The management is committed to continuous improvement and compliance with OHSA 1994, FMA 1967, EQA 1974 and other applicable acts, legislations, orders, rules, codes of practices and requirements to which Wasco subscribes. There were no Lost Time Incidents recorded in 2021. We are committed to continuous improvement to providing a safe working environment and maintaining people’s health and well-being. Wasco’s commitment to health and safety:  Increased awareness of health and safety among employees  Reduced number of work accidents and their severity  Zero occupational illnesses  Reduced stress  Enhanced well-being 2021 Highlights l The workforce was safe and healthy throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. l 47,728,040 Incident Free Man-hours Worked since the last LTI. l Wasco i-Start was implemented in March 2021 to facilitate a safety culture transformation. Safety starts with the individual; all individuals must protect their health, safety and well-being. Stringent health and safety standards help prevent hazards and incidents for all employees. As much of our work involves high-risk construction, we strictly follow the Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), which clearly states measures to control the risks associated with our nature of work. All employees are responsible for reporting incidents, near-misses, safety breaches and hazards. In 2021, Wasco trained 1,678 employees on health and safety standards, including general safety. We recorded 22,700 safety training hours in 2021. Training included HSE induction, forklift operation, rigging and slinging training, working at height, electrical safety, hand safety, grinding safety and confined space entry. Wasco’s Board-approved Health and Safety Policy formalises the Group’s health and safety philosophy and approach. Safety initiatives, internal monitoring and internal safety audits include creating a robust set of safety protocols and delivering carefully developed safety orientation and ongoing training. This training is extended to all employees, contractors and subcontractors. Every employee must attend a safety briefing before starting their workday at a minimum. Emergency Response Team Wasco’s Emergency Response Team is responsible for directing evacuation procedures with the aid of fire wardens, subcontractors, suppliers and emergency services. Assessing Safety RiskS and Compliance Health hazard, accident and injury prevention are integral parts of the sustainable strategy and business risk management processes. Wasco’s due diligence includes a health and safety risk assessment for existing and potential new operations or projects. The Group benchmarks performance monitoring results and trends against its targets and industry standards. HSE Certification 67% of Wasco operations is covered by ISO 45001. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT