Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 27 Hydrotest water l Hydrotest water is collected. l The greywater system can dispose of untreated test water of fewer than 100 litres. Operations confirm greywater can handle the volume at the time of disposal. Third parties may dispose of it if the site cannot handle the additional volume. Waste condensate l An authorised contractor collects condensate waste in suitable ISOtainers for transport and disposal. l The client provides a bunded storage area for waste containers awaiting collection. Waste amine l An authorised contractor collects amine waste in suitable ISOtainers for transport and disposal. l The client provides a suitable, bunded storage area for waste containers awaiting collection. Soil/spoil l A civil contractor removes soil and spoil from the site, transporting them for disposal at an authorised facility. Waste concrete l A civil contractor removes waste concrete from the site, transporting it for disposal at an authorised facility. Contaminate soil l Contaminated soil, where it arises, is removed and stockpiled for disposal at a suitably licensed facility. Noise Boundary Monitoring The noise produced during the construction, operations and decommissioning of large infrastructure projects can potentially impact nearby noise-sensitive receptors. The Company complies with the Environmental Quality Act 1974. We also conduct boundary noise monitoring at a few points along the perimeter of our operations to align with approval conditions of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). In 2021, all noise levels were within 65 dBA, the level stipulated by the Department of Environment. Conserving Water Resources We carefully manage the use of fresh water in our operations and the impact of our projects on water resources in the surrounding areas. We aim to use alternatives such as recycled water to reduce water use and improve its efficiency. We have a range of processes that evaluate and help us manage risks associated with our water use. These processes focus on considering water conservation and efficiency in critical decisions and striving to conserve, reuse and recycle. The Company is also working on establishing appropriate metrics to report water use. Wasco does not have any (0%) operations in water-stressed regions. However, we make every effort to manage this resource efficiently and minimise water use at all sites. Some water-saving initiatives implemented at our operations include push-on timed taps and rainwater harvesting. There were no violations of water quality standards during this reporting period. Water Withdrawal and Intensity (100% of Operations) 76,421 217,093 151,121 33.69 71.45 25.45 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 2019 2020 2021 Water Intensity ((m3/Man-hours (1,000)) Water Withdrawal (m3) 2,534 2019 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 6,628 4,880 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 C02-e Emissions (tonnes) 5,286 8,046 8,719 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 C02-e Emissions (tonnes) 7,023,771 11,076,528 14,070,318 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 Electricity (kWh) 3.1 3.65 2.37 0 1 2 3 4 kWh/Man-hours SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT