Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 26 Pollution Prevention and Control Wasco is committed to addressing pollution by taking the following measures to reduce and avoid pollution impacts. They include: l Identifying resources and the generation of all types of waste; l Avoiding their impact and improving efficiency; l Examining our water and energy performance; l Reducing or eliminating pollution at its source; and l Modifying production, maintenance and facility processes, materials substitution, conservation, recycling and reusing materials where applicable. Preserving Biodiversity We strive to operate responsibly and protect biodiversity where we work worldwide. As part of our commitment to the UNSDGs, we commit to net positive biodiversity impact by exploring our impacts on biodiversity, protected areas and areas of significant biological value at our operational sites. We are focused on minimising biodiversity impact and our environmental footprint, preserving natural habitats and protecting and restoring ecosystems through nature-based projects. We conduct formal biodiversity risk assessments on existing operations and potential new operations and projects. Before commencing a project, we perform a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to study the potential impact of our operations on habitats and ecological functions. The EIA also helps the Company to formulate risk mitigation approaches. Waste Wasco is responsible for conducting business without any detrimental effects on the environment. We comply with all applicable and prevailing laws and industry standards on waste management, adopting products, systems and work practices that minimise or reduce the impact of waste whilst improving efficiency by increasing the potential for reusing and recycling resources. The Group’s Waste Management Procedure sets out the following expectations: l Efficient resource use to minimise the impact of pollution. l Waste generation should be minimised at its source whenever possible. l Finding alternative means for waste disposal by adopting cleaner and sustainable technology. l Meeting all legal requirements on waste handling and disposal. Our waste handling process for every type of waste disposed of from our operations is presented below. Sewage and greywater l Sewage and greywater are collected in designated tanks, supplied and plumbed and attached to ablution and lunchroom facilities. l Tanks are emptied regularly by an authorised contractor. Scrap metal l Scrap metal, including copper, is collected in a scrap metal skip. l Scrap metal is collected or replaced by a contractor as appropriate. General waste l Scrap timber and large general waste items are collected in a general waste skip. l Smaller or lighter general waste items, waste paper and food waste are collected in local, lined bins. Waste is fully contained and tied within suitable garbage bags upon emptying before being placed in the general waste skip to prevent it from being blown by the wind. l The general waste skip is emptied by a contractor as appropriate. Recyclable containers l Aluminium cans and plastic bottles are deposited in a designated recycling bin for donation. Waste paint l Waste paint is fully hardened in its original container and disposed of as per SDS requirements, such as general waste or by an authorised contractor. Oily rags l Oily rags are stored in a designated oily rag receptacle. l Clients’ maintenance operations should have an existing process for disposing of oily rags. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT