Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 22 Scope Principal Means of Emissions Reduction Initiatives Identified and Implemented Expected Emissions Reduction by 5% Scope 2 Coverage: entire Group (100%) l Purchased electricity Increasing energy efficiency and using electricity from renewable sources l Energy Saving Awareness Campaign l Using hibernation features for all computers l Instal l ing timers/sensors for l ight ing, ai r condi t ioners, hydraul ic power packs and blowers l Replacing malfunctioning bulbs with LED lights l Installing a solar system l Working from home options 30% Scope 3 Coverage: entire Group (100%) l Business travel l Purchased raw materials and capital goods l Transportation l Water utilised in operations l Waste generated from operation l Company leased vehicles Reducing business travel and engaging with suppliers to reduce their emission Improving efficiency of operations to minimise water consumption and waste generation l Allowing only essential travel l Us i ng t e l e and v i deo conferencing for meetings l Carpooling Our Journey Towards Net Zero Operational Emissions 2012 2013 2014 2019 2021  GHG Gas Emissions verified by Bureau Veritas  Capacity building, tracking and reporting of emissions  Inclusion of carbon footprint reduction commitment in the Corporate Sustainability Policy  Corporate Sustainability reiterates commitment to emissions reduction in line with UNSDG 13 Climate Action  Implementation of the Group Emissions Reduction Plan  Launching of Operational Net Zero Emissions Plan with target set for 2026 Achieving Operational Net Zero Emissions 2e 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 8,841 8,399 7,979 7,580 7,580 13,940 14,674 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT