Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 19 All contractors, subcontractors and third parties are subject to corruption and bribery risk assessments and must declare they are not involved in any misconduct or corrupt, unethical and illegal behaviour. Wasco communicates its anti-corruption policy clearly to these intermediaries. The Group also screens new and existing business partners for corruption and bribery, which is part of due diligence in Wasco’s compliance requirements. Business books and records reflect all business dealings accurately and transparently. Wasco introduced monitoring and enforcement procedures to ensure compliance with anti-corruption laws in Malaysia. Wasco did not make any political contributions in 2021 (RM0). No major disciplinary cases were reported for corrupt practices that resulted in employees’ dismissal. We have received zero fines and penalties from the authorities during the recent years and reporting period, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our stringent anti-corruption policies and practices. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT Customers Vendors/ Suppliers Regulators and Authorities Communicating our firm position on anti-corruption and anti-bribery to all stakeholders  Employees receive a copy of the Employee Handbook, which includes anti-corruption and anti-bribery, upon joining the Company.  Each must sign an acknowledgement form and return it to the Human Resources Department.  Employees are reminded of our firm opposition to corruption during regular engagement sessions and training via iLearn  The anti-corruption policy is also communicated to suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, agents, joint venture companies and third parties. Whistleblowing Wasco’s whistleblowing policy applies to all employees and external parties who have business relationships with the Group. Our Whistleblowing Policy is aligned with the ISO 37001:2016 Clause 8.9 Raising Concern. Individuals raising concerns or reporting possible violations of the Principles of Business Conduct in good faith are: l Protected from any forms of retaliation; and l Treated with the utmost confidentiality. Whistle-blowers are encouraged to raise their concerns with their immediate superior. If this is not possible or appropriate for any reason, they may write to Wasco’s Chief Executive Officer, Giancarlo Maccagno confidentiality. Senior officers have been trained to handle these reports, corruption, bullying, harassment, bribery, financial irregularity and other offences.