Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 13 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT OUR UNSDG ALIGNMENT The 17 UNSDGs are at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The goals intend to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. Wasco is aligned with the UNSDGs and committed to contributing to this framework to enhance sustainable initiatives. The Group also calls on all its partners across the business to collaborate on achieving these goals. While our activities touch on nine of the seventeen goals, we have identified four UNSDGs that impact our sustainability strategy where we can make the most contributions in these areas. Goals Our Commitment Progress and Achievements l Provide a safe and healthy workplace for our staff and contractors by embracing internationally recognised HSE Management Systems, namely ISO 45001:2018 for Health & Safety and ISO 14001:2015 for the environment. l Achieve Zero Lost-time Incidents (LTI). l All sites in the organisation either have been or are being certified with the ISO 45001:2018 for Health & Safety and ISO 14001:2015 for the Environment. l Implemented in March 2021, Wasco i-Start is an ongoing initiative to enable a safety culture transformation. l Tracking leading and lagging KPIs and taking action for continuous improvement. l Performing periodic inspections, audits and safety observations addresses gaps and prevents incidents. l Safe work procedures are in place. l Establish policies to promote gender equality in recruitment, compensation, training, promotion and work-life balance. l El iminate sexual harassment, violence, discrimination and other harmful practices against women in the workplace. l 13% of Senior Management are female. l Clearly articulating statements on equal opportunity and non-discrimination in the Principles of Business Conduct and Human Rights Statement. l Develop a high performing entrepreneurial culture (culture of curiosity) in the Company where all staff give their best. l Develop leaders at all levels of the Company and create a learning and coaching mindset amongst all staff. l Introduced the MyGoals performance management system. l Quarterly reviews for performance assessment and coaching. l Talent development through regular training and digital learning. l High retention of Senior Management. l Annual per formance apprai sal s for compensation and promotion. l Reduce emissions by improving energy efficiency, transitioning to renewable energy such as solar power and offsetting residual emissions through in-house programmes such as tree planting. l Tracking and reporting of Group greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). • Planted 30,000 out of 160,000 trees as part of a carbon sequestration programme.