Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 12 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT SUSTAINABILITY ACROSS OUR OPERATIONS Wasco delivers sustainable value for all stakeholders safely, securely and in an environmentally and socially responsible manner by: l Reducing the environmental footprint through the life cycle developments; and l Bringing social and economic benefits for people associated with business operations in line with Wasco’s shared values. Wasco integrates sustainability throughout the business on three levels. Running a safe, efficient and profitable business Meeting expectations and delivering our commitments Sharing benefits wherever we operate and making positive contributions In company operations For our customers With communities SUSTAINABILITY POLICY At Wasco, sustainability is about delivering value for all our stakeholders in a responsible manner, balancing short and long-term interests that integrate economic, environment and social considerations into our business strategy. Wherever possible, we will implement and maintain accredited management systems for corporate sustainability to drive performance and improvement by focusing on our business processes, our culture, and our digital agenda – all underpinned by a strong governance structure. To achieve these goals we will: l Ensure that our safety values remain a top priority, ensuring that nobody gets hurt, there is no damage to property and no harm to the environment. l Generate financial gains aligned to the needs of our stakeholders. l Employ a diverse workforce and provide a work environment where everyone is treated fairly, with respect and can realise their full potential. l Implement actions within our own business and other stakeholders to accelerate the transition to net-zero emissions. l Manage our businesses efficiently through embracing digitalisation and innovation. l Conduct our business in an ethical and transparent manner. l Safeguard human rights within our sphere of influence. l Contribute to the well-being of local communities wherever we operate. l Periodically review our performance and implement appropriate actions for continuous improvement. In implementing this policy, we will support and advance the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals focusing our efforts on those that align with our aims in order to make the most impactful contribution. We will engage with our employees, contractors, suppliers, customers and business partners in sharing responsibility for meeting these goals.