Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 128 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 4 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Freehold land and buildings Buildings Plant, machinery, tools and equipment Electrical installations, computer and office equipment, furniture and fittings Motor vehicles Renovation, yard development and store extension Capital work in progress Total Group RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 2021 Cost At 1 January 143,924 264,317 1,100,048 99,247 16,085 71,373 48,823 1,743,817 Additions (262) 574 10,550 4,827 272 528 79,619 96,108 Disposals - - (12,043) (2,458) (210) (1,492) (521) (16,724) Write-offs - (8) (2,691) (2,437) (55) (304) - (5,495) Reclassification - - 5,336 132 - (10) (5,458) - Transfer (to)/from inventories - - (11,271) 9 - - (382) (11,644) Transfer to assets held for sale - (57,226) (911) (10,736) - - - (68,873) Transfer to right-of-use assets - (5,502) - - - - - (5,502) Effect of exchange rate changes (76) 4,880 10,839 1,499 137 (1,300) 2,038 18,017 At 31 December 143,586 207,035 1,099,857 90,083 16,229 68,795 124,119 1,749,704 Accumulated depreciation and impairment loss At 1 January 12,178 151,550 966,452 89,765 14,033 68,013 18,001 1,319,992 Depreciation charge for the financial year 1,606 4,035 26,441 3,874 757 1,457 - 38,170 Impairment charge for the financial year - 4,243 - - - - - 4,243 Disposals - - (11,031) (2,410) (126) (1,464) - (15,031) Write-offs - - (2,404) (2,400) (55) (303) - (5,162) Reclassification - - (72) 72 - - - - Transfer to inventories - - (12,360) - - - - (12,360) Transfer to assets held for sale - (21,614) (509) (7,505) - - - (29,628) Transfer to right-of-use assets - (362) - - - - - (362) Effect of exchange rate changes - 3,451 10,848 1,343 131 (1,339) 634 15,068 At 31 December 13,784 141,303 977,365 82,739 14,740 66,364 18,635 1,314,930 Carrying amount at 31 December 129,802 65,732 122,492 7,344 1,489 2,431 105,484 434,774