Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 102 Group Company Note 2021 2020 2021 2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Loss before tax (100,341) (268,024) (1,308) (97,730) Adjustments for: Property, plant and equipment: - Depreciation charge 38,170 75,493 114 116 - Impairment charge 4,243 164,045 - - - Written off 333 1,282 - 1 - Net gain on disposal (259) (6,735) - - Investment properties: - Depreciation charge 223 103 274 273 - Impairment charge 3,545 30 - - Right-of-use assets: - Depreciation charge 27,967 21,704 - - Inventories: - Allowance for obsolescence 1,715 6,347 - - - Write back of allowance for obsolescence (120) (18) - - - Written off 203 672 - - Net gain on disposal of assets classified as held for sale (18,082) - - - Share of results of associates 49,027 (12,942) - - Share of results of joint ventures 24,669 26,473 - - Net gain on disposal of subsidiaries 37 - (18,987) - - Trade and other receivables: - Net (reversal)/impairment charge (95) 23,941 - 5,614 - Written off 19 209 - 10 Impairment loss on: - amounts owing by joint ventures - 23,314 - - - amounts owing by associate 7,386 158 5 38 - amount owing by a subsidiary - - 232 69,208 - investment in a subsidiary - - 8,124 46,000 - investment in an associate 14,511 - - - - investment in a joint venture 3,000 - - - Net provision for warranties 2,380 871 - - Net unrealised (gain)/loss on foreign exchange (5,871) 1,717 337 (2,323) Dividend income - - (22,766) (27,414) Interest income (3,507) (4,246) (910) (8,884) Interest expense 36,148 43,391 4,470 6,081 Fair value loss/(gain) on: - derivative financial instruments 31 2,595 (2,959) - - - investment in equity instruments 31 2 1 - - 87,861 75,840 (11,428) (9,010) STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021