Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 100 Attributable to owners of the Company Note Share capital Treasury shares Exchange translation reserves Retained profits Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 At 1 January 2021 547,690 (624) 14,296 142,363 703,725 49,838 753,563 Net loss for the financial year - - - (107,484) (107,484) (4,465) (111,949) Other comprehensive (expense)/income for the financial year - - (3,741) - (3,741) 189 (3,552) Total comprehensive expense for the financial year - - (3,741) (107,484) (111,225) (4,276) (115,501) Incorporation of a subsidiary - - - - - 99 99 Acquisition of shares in existing subsidiary from non-controlling interests - - - (3,997) (3,997) 3,997 - Total changes in ownership interest in subsidiaries that did not result a loss of control - - - (3,997) (3,997) 4,096 99 At 31 December 2021 547,690 (624) 10,555 30,882 588,503 49,658 638,161 At 1 January 2020 547,690 (4,779) (4,595) 441,630 979,946 61,252 1,041,198 Net loss for the financial year - - - (295,149) (295,149) (11,553) (306,702) Other comprehensive income for the financial year - - 18,962 - 18,962 142 19,104 Total comprehensive income/(expense) for the financial year - - 18,962 (295,149) (276,187) (11,411) (287,598) Transactions with owners: Cash dividends paid to owners of the Company 36 - - - (3,082) (3,082) - (3,082) Share dividends distributed to owners of the Company 25, 36 - 4,155 - (4,155) - - - Total contributions by and distributions to owners - 4,155 - (7,237) (3,082) - (3,082) Total transactions with owners - 4,155 - (7,237) (3,082) - (3,082) Effect of disposal - - (71) 3,119 3,048 (3) 3,045 At 31 December 2020 547,690 (624) 14,296 142,363 703,725 49,838 753,563 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021