Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

Focus Area Material Sustainability Matters Importance to Tropicana SOCIAL PILLAR Employee Management & Well Being To develop a balanced and productive workforce that represents the Group in an exemplary manner while achieving job satisfaction Talent Development To promote a continuous learning environment that enhances the employability of our workforce and provides value-added services to our stakeholders Occupational Safety & Health To protect the well-being of our workforce and ensure the safety of all stakeholders Contractor Management To engage with contractors with values and principles that are aligned with the Group’s production objectives Product & Services Responsibility To continuously improve the quality of our deliverables and enhance services that exceed the expectations of our customers Brand & Reputation To build up a positive brand reputation in increasing the company value and position Community Engagement To encourage the culture of giving back while endorsing harmonious living that uplifts the well-being of wider societies GOVERNANCE PILLAR Corporate Governance & Guidelines To conduct business ethically in compliance with all applicable antibribery, anti-corruption and data privacy laws and regulations of the country in which the Group operates 82 ANNUAL REPORT 2023