Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

PRACTICE 12 GOALS OUT OF 17 GOALS SET OUT BY UNSDG GOAL 3: Good Health & Well-Being To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality To promote equal opportunities for our employees and general society GOAL 5: Gender Equality To foster a workplace environment where everyone is treated with respect regardless of gender identity GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities To adopt sustainable measures throughout our developments and facilitate community-building initiatives GOAL 6: Clean Water & Sanitation To ensure availability and sustainable water management and sanitation management for all GOAL 6: A ordable & Clean Energy To incorporate renewable energy (solar) options into our development where possible towards adopting cleaner energy GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption & Production To actively work towards sustainable construction practices and develop buildings that provide sustainable living solutions. GOAL 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions To conduct business ethically in compliance with all applicable laws, while empowering our workforce through fair practices and rejecting any form of discrimination. GOAL 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth To provide a safe and conducive environment for our employees through fair practices and business development GOAL 15: Life on Land To sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss GOAL 17: Partnerships for The Goals To build sustainable partnerships and new collaborative opportunities that align with our principles and goals. GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure To inculcate innovative measures that serve to enhance our deliverables and service quality 73 TROPICANA SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT