Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

Log in to with your registered email and password (D) JOIN THE LIVE STREAM MEETING (eLIVE) Meeting Date and Time eLive Access Date and Time Monday, 24 June 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Monday, 24 June 2024 at 10:30 a.m. • Look for Tropicana Corporation Berhad under Company Name and 45th AGM on 24 JUNE 2024 at 11:00 am : Live Stream Meeting under Corporate Exercise/Event and click “>” to join the meeting. • The access to the live stream meeting will open on the abovementioned date and time. • If you have any questions to raise, you may use the text box to transmit your question. The Chairman / Board / Management / relevant adviser(s) will endeavour to broadcast your question and their answer during the meeting. Do take note that the quality of the live streaming is dependent on the stability of the internet connection at the location of the user. (E) VOTE ONLINE REMOTELY DURING THE MEETING (eVOTING) Meeting Date and Time eVoting Access Date and Time Monday, 24 June 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Monday, 24 June 2024 at 11:00 a.m. • If you are already accessing the Live Stream Meeting, click Proceed to Vote under the live stream player. OR • If you are not accessing from the Live Stream Meeting and have just logged in to the ePortal, look for Tropicana Corporation Berhad under Company Name and 45th AGM on 24 June 2024 at 11:00 am : Remote Voting under Corporate Exercise/Event and click “>” to remotely cast and submit the votes online for the resolutions tabled at the meeting. Step 1 Cast your votes by clicking on the radio buttons against each resolution. Step 2 Review your casted votes and confirm and submit the votes. • The access to eVoting will open on the abovementioned date and time. • Your votes casted will apply throughout all the CDS accounts you represent as an individual shareholder, corporate / authorised representative and proxy. Where you are attending as a proxy, and the shareholder who appointed you has indicated how the votes are to be casted, we will take the shareholder’s indicated votes in the proxy form. • The access to eVoting will close as directed by the Chairman of the meeting. • A copy of your submitted eVoting can be accessed via My Records (refer to the left navigation panel). ON THE DAY OF THE MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDE TROPICANA!CORPORATION!BERHAD!*!FULLY!VIRTUAL!)#TH!ANNUAL!GENERAL!MEETING ON!")!JUNE!"%")! 336 ANNUAL REPORT 2023