Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

!)" PROPERTY/#PLANT#AND#EQUIPMENT#(CONT’D") O1ce furniture% fittings!and Motor equipment vehicles Total RM’""" RM’""" RM’""" Company Cost At!#!January!+"+$ !'%"+#! !#%"&.! !&%".,! Additions !$'! –! !$'! Disposals –! !(.(() !(.(()! At!$#!December!+"+$ !'%"'&! !#,#! !'%+)(! Accumulated!depreciation At!#!January!+"+$ !)%.),! (+(! !'%'(&! Depreciation!(Note!-) !&#! !#()! !+$'! Disposals –! !((#&) !((#&) At!$#!December!+"+$ !)%,#"! !#.'! !'%",'! Carrying!amount !#)&! !&! !#'+! Cost At!#!January!+"++ !1&--/! !$&#%,! !%&#%+! Additions !"%! –! !"%! At!$#!December!+"++ !/&#"$! !$&#%,! !%&#,-! Accumulated!depreciation At!#!January!+"++ !1&0+"! !/$/! !/&"10! Depreciation!(Note!-) !$$0! !"$"! !+"-! At!$#!December!+"++ !1&,1-! !0"0! !/&/0%! Carrying!amount !$0"! !+1$! !/$+! (a) The!carrying!amounts!of!property&!plant!and!equipment!pledged!as!securities!for!borrowings!as!disclosed!in!Note!+"!are!as!follows) Group +"+$ +"++ RM’""" RM’"""! Freehold!land!and!buildings !)%.")! !+%,&1%-! Leasehold!buildings !#+(%'&)! !"$+&+%%! Golf!course !+,%#+)! !+#&#,$! Aircraft !,,%'))! !–! !+&#%"$&! !%$$&-$%! NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR!THE!FINANCIAL!YEAR!ENDED!'$!DECEMBER!"%"' 224 ANNUAL REPORT 2023