Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

Datuk Tan Mann Chai, JP Member Independent Non-Executive Director Mr Jared Ang Tzer Shen Member Group NonIndependent NonExecutive Director Mr Din Tan Yong Chia (Appointed on 19 March 2024) Member Group MD The principal objectives of the Pricing and Investment Committee are (a) to approved the minimum/net selling prices of the new launches of properties to be developed by the Group to ensure that the prices set are market driven. (b) to recommended to the Board the proposed transactions or proposed investments with a view to strategically allocate the Group’s financial resources efficiently. (c) to eliminate or minimise the risk of oversight in investment decisions. (d) to enhance the shareholders’ value and to protect the stakeholders’ interests as well as to ensure the continued growth and success of the Company. V. Board Meeting and Meetings Attendance The Board meets at least once every quarter on a scheduled basis and additional meetings will be convened as and when deemed necessary by the Board. The quarterly Board meetings are scheduled in advance at the commencement of the financial year to allow the Directors to plan their appointments ahead and to facilitate full attendance at Board meetings. All proceedings, deliberations and conclusions of Board meetings are minuted by the Group Company Secretary and are confirmed by the Board members at the next Board meeting and subsequently signed by the Chairman as the correct record of proceedings of the meeting, or signed by the Chairman of the meeting at which the proceedings were held. A total of five (5) Board meetings were held during FY2023 and the attendances of each Board member are set out as below: Name Designation Attendance of Board Meetings Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Mohamad Fuzi Bin Harun Independent Non-Executive Chairman 5/5 Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Chee Sing Group Executive Vice Chairman 5/5 Mr Din Tan Yong Chia (Appointed on 20 July 2023 and re-designated on 19 March 2024) Group MD 2/2@ Mr Dion Tan Yong Chien (Re-designated on 26 February 2024) Group Non-Independent Non-Executive Director 4/5 Mr Jared Ang Tzer Shen (Re-designated on 17 January 2024) Group Non-Independent Non-Executive Director 5/5 Datuk Wira Lye Ek Seang Independent Non-Executive Director 4/5 Ms Alice Dora Boucher Independent Non-Executive Director 5/5 Madam Vivienne Cheng Chi Fan Independent Non-Executive Director 5/5 Dato’ Sri Badrul Hisham Bin Abdul Aziz Independent Non-Executive Director 5/5 Datuk Tan Mann Chai, JP Independent Non-Executive Director 5/5 Madam Koh Huey Min (Appointed on 5 October 2023) Independent Non-Executive Director 1/1@ En Mohd Najib Bin Abdul Aziz (Resigned on 5 October 2023) Independent Non-Executive Director 3/4# Dato’ Mohamad Lotfy Bin Mohamad Noh (Resigned on 17 January 2024) Independent Non-Executive Director 5/5# Dato’ Dickson Tan Yong Loong (Resigned on 28 February 2024) Group NonIndependent NonExecutive Director 5/5# Note: @ R eflects the number of meetings held during FY2023 after his/her appointment as Director. # Reflects the number of meetings held during FY2023 prior to their resignation as Director. All the existing Directors as at the date of this Statement have complied with the minimum requirement of 50% attendance in respect of Board meetings held in FY2023 as stipulated in the MMLR of Bursa Securities. In the intervals between Board meetings, for any matters requiring Board’s decisions, Board’s approvals are obtained through written resolutions in circulation. The resolutions passed by way of resolutions in circulation were then noted by the Board at the next quarterly Board meeting. The Directors are expected to allocate sufficient time to the Company to perform their duties effectively, including being prepared for the meetings and contributing effectively to the businesses of the Company. Directors of the Company must not hold directorships in more than five (5) public listed companies and they should notify the Board of any change of their directorships. VI. Company Secretaries The appointment and removal of Company Secretaries are a matter of the Board as a whole. The Board recognises the importance that the Company Secretaries should be suitably qualified and capable of carrying out the duties required of the post. 154 ANNUAL REPORT 2023