Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

Board of Directors’ Policy Terms of Reference of the Risk Management & Sustainability Committee Describes key functions and duties, authority held by the Risk Management and Sustainability Committee • Corporate website Terms of Reference of the Pricing & Investment Committee Describes key functions and duties, authority, roles and responsibilities held by the Pricing Committee • Corporate website Corporate Policies, Codes & Procedures Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2021 • National Code that outlines best practices and recommendations for organisations to implement as part of their corporate governance framework • Securities Commissions website Code of Conduct • Presents the Group’s expectations on employees to prioritise and adhere to ethical business practices throughout their tenure with Tropicana • Employee portal • Corporate website Personal Data Protection • Discloses how information is collected and retained by the Group in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) • Employee portal Anti-bribery & Anti-corruption (“ABAC”) Policy • Addresses the Group’s anti-corruption stance that applies to all employees, Directors (Executive and Non-executives) and anyone who performs services for or on behalf of the Group, which includes contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, suppliers, agents, intermediaries and representatives of the Group • Employee portal • Corporate website Diversity & Inclusion Policy • Outlines the Group’s commitment to ensuring fair practices throughout the organisation • Corporate website Whistleblowing Policy • Describes the process and channels available to report any potential or actual misconduct • Corporate website • Employee portal Grievance Handling Procedure • Provides detailed instructions on reporting grievances at the workplace • Employee portal Gift & Hospitality Policy • Provides detailed guidance on the Group’s stance against bribery and corruption when giving and receiving gifts and hospitality which applies to all employees, Directors (Executive and Nonexecutives) and anyone who performs services for or on behalf of the Group, which includes contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, suppliers, agents, intermediaries, and representatives of the Group • Employee portal • Corporate website Memberships • Being an active member of governing or industries body • PAM, REHDA, FIABCI, GBI, GREENRE Corporate website: 121 TROPICANA SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT