Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

Name of Development Total CSS Distributed Response Rate (%) Tropicana Aman (Aman 1) 16 81 Tropicana Aman (Elemen) 230 83 Tropicana Heights (Lakefield) 2 100 Tropicana Metropark (Paisley) 5 100 Name of Development Tropicana Aman (Aman 1) Tropicana Aman (Elemen) Tropicana Heights (Lakefield) Tropicana Metropark (Paisley) Would you recommend our properties to your friends/relatives? Number of “Yes” 100% 94% 50% 100% Will you buy another TCB property? (% of “Yes” responses) 100% NA 50% 80% How would you rate TCB against other brands? (Rating 1-5) 4.0 4.3 2.5 4 Customer Satisfaction Survey Results FY2023 Customer Feedback on Tropicana as a Brand in FY2023 12% 16% 64% Complaint Category Breakdown 8% Property Management Other Technical Support Individual Unit We always strive to go beyond customer satisfaction by delivering quality services. We constantly engage with our customers via various engagement platforms to meet their needs and expectations. To uphold the customer satisfaction standard, we utilise several tools to obtain feedback which include the annual Customer Experience Survey (“CES”), and individual engagements among others. KEY INITIATIVES IN 2023 Additionally, in FY2023 we participated in CXP Best Customer Experience Awards 2023 and are honoured to be selected as a winner. This is in line with the several improvement initiatives in the customer satisfaction scopes that were driven by the Customer Care Unit which aim to drive higher satisfaction level for instance, seminars which focus on improving the general knowledge and skills of the Tropicana team. 115 TROPICANA SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT