Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

Identify Opportunities for Improvements Monitor Returns Audit Implement Changes IMPROVEMENT CYCLE Tropicana remains consistent in our commitment to upholding the quality of our products and services that meet stakeholders’ expectations. Ingrained in our Tropicana DNA, quality excellence extends beyond the products we create to include the services we provide, operational performance and construction practices at our project sites. Essential to ensure customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, maintaining quality performance also promotes cost and operational e ciencies that ultimately reduce the wastage of resources and manpower throughout the construction phase of our projects. To achieve this, we adopt the Improvement Cycle – a series of steps and actions that facilitates the continuous assessment of our products and operations to enhance value creation for our stakeholders. Over the past few years, our Quality Assurance (QA) team has been working diligently to improve our internal processes. To achieve this goal, we have been collaborating closely with cross-functional teams to focus on Digital Transformation initiatives. Through these e orts, we have been able to significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations. Our QA team’s dedication and strategic approach have played a pivotal role in driving this progress and helping us stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (QMS) Tropicana’s Quality Management System (“QMS”) is a strong foundation of well-developed processes that are guided by Internationally recognised ISO9001: 2015 that certified since 2014. It is a system of processes that demonstrate the best practices, prevention measures, performances, management involvement and customer satisfaction. Our Quality Assurance department plays an integral role in establishing, enforcing and continually improving the Group’s Quality Management System via Quality Manuals and Standard Operating Procedures (“SOP”) that cater for different business functions throughout Tropicana. The sta across all levels have gone through training and awareness sessions to ensure processes are recognised and followed through to e ectively meet our policy and procedures to increase e ciency. The QMS also further progressing towards enhancing the e ectiveness of key processes with digitalisation. INTERNAL QUALITY AUDIT Quality audits are fundamental to the Quality Management System of Tropicana. Audits are conducted to determine the conformance of company policies, test the e ectiveness of the quality system, promote transparency for corporate governance and highlight examples of good practices. In Tropicana, the Internal Quality Audit (“IQA”) was performed by our trained Quality Assurance team. The IQA serves as an interaction between processes and identifies weak links for opportunities for continual improvement while focusing on prevention measures. PERFORMANCE OF OUTSOURCED SERVICES As consultancies, construction works and procurement/supplies are outsourced, Tropicana has developed a series of control measures monitor the quality of services rendered through quarterly onlinebased e-performance evaluation. The evaluations are non-generic. It is designed and developed to emphasise project stages and mean deviation across the organisation. The evaluation is reviewed and meetings are conducted to garner response and immediate proactive action for improvement from outsourced services through the Evaluation Review Feedback (“ERF”). Tropicana has always put high importance on quality delivery. Systematic Quality Benchmark Trainings (“QBT”) are conducted and reported regularly with an emphasis on maintaining quality through internal and external supply chains. QUALITY ASSURANCE 111 TROPICANA SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT