Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT Tropicana Group champions the development of our workforce by encouraging a culture of continuous learning and fair practices. While a large portion of our operations is attributed to developing land into exclusive townships and properties for general society, our business model also includes the service delivery of our products. Therefore, e ective customer engagement practices and sound knowledge of the property industry are essential to enhancing the value creation of our business. It is also our policy to provide relevant training to acquire relevant knowledge, attitude, skills and right habits to complement the employee self-development and career growth; for them to be able to perform the required job function in line with the company’s business goals. In FY2023, we achieved 8,780.5 hours of training for our employees across the Group. The training o ered throughout the year under review covers technical skills training, organizational development skills, safety training, leadership development program & management development program. We also provide financial assistance to employees who are interested in pursuing knowledge with a training bond imposed; and a good facility such as training rooms and laptops to be used in IT-related training. Our employees are encouraged to seek out courses relevant to their job functions to remain competitive and highly knowledgeable about operational management, governance, consumer trends and property market demand. Tropicana continues to endorse continuous learning as a journey towards optimising our business performance and promoting career development opportunities. Training hours by gender in FY2023 Training Hours/ Gender Male Female Total No. of Unique Trainees 98 202 Total No. of Training Hours 3,472.50 5,308.00 Average Training Hours Per Employee 35.4 26.28 Training hours by employee category in FY2023 Employee Category Total Numbers of Training Hours Average Training Hours Per Employee Non-Executive (GG, C1, C2) 848 40.38 Executive (E3, E2, E1) 2,173 18.73 Managers (M3, M2, M1) 4,706.5 38.58 General Managers (S3, S2, S1) 1,028 29.37 Directors (D3, D2, D1) 25 4.17 Percentage of total employees by gender and by employee category who received a regular performance and career development review during the reporting period. By gender FY2023 Male Female Total No. of Employees 330 340 No. of Employees Who Received Performance & Career Development Reviews 302 302 Percentage of Employees Who Received Performance & Career Development Review 91.52% 88.82% By employee category in FY2023 Employee Category Total No. of Employees No. of Employees Who Received Performance & Career Development Reviews Percentage of Employees Who Received Performance & Career Development Review Non-Executive (GG, C1, C2) 170 161 94.71% Executive (E3, E2, E1) 218 197 90.37% Managers (M3, M2, M1) 192 170 88.54% General Managers (S3, S2, S1) 65 60 92.31% Directors (D3, D2, D1) 25 16 64.00% 105 TROPICANA SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT