Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

In FY2023, we have a balanced workforce of female and male employees. We continue to endorse initiatives that prioritise gender equality, such as providing nursery rooms, and career opportunities based on merit, aside from maternity leave and paternity leave. Tropicana will not encourage nor tolerate any form of speech and conduct which may fall under the term which constitutes “Sexual Harassment” whether subtle or explicit. It is our policy to preserve a professional working atmosphere of trust and respect and our employees should have the right to work in an environment free of sexual harassment no matter what their gender. We encourage good, open and healthy communication among our employees to create harmony in the workplace and all employees must also be sensitive to what may be considered o ensive. We encourage employees to discuss any issues or problems openly with their supervisors and management. Should there be any conduct that the employee feels uncomfortable with, the employee could always refer to our grievance handling procedure in our employee portal. Employees are encouraged to use this grievance mechanism set up by the company when from time to time, there are complaints, misunderstandings regarding any employment practice, problems at o ce, performance evaluations or other issue including allegations of discrimination or harassment. For the year under review, we recorded zero discrimination cases reported. Male Female Distribution by Employee Category & Gender Director Manager (M1-M3) Non-Executive (C1, C2, GG) General Manager (S1-S3) Executive (E1-E3) 5 121 92 165 20 35 93 276 101 35 Note: Permanent employees only For the total number of workers who are not employees and whose work is controlled by Tropicana Group, we collect the data through monthly reports. These are employees who are not full-time equivalent employees, who are not under our payroll and who are managed through a recruitment agency. During the year under review, there are no significant fluctuations in the number of workers who are not employees. Types of Worker No. of Headcount Agency Workers Nil Apprentices Nil Contractors Nil Home Workers Nil Interns 26 Self-employed Persons Nil Sub-contractors Nil Volunteers Nil 102 ANNUAL REPORT 2023