Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

Material Sustainability Matter Importance to Tropicana Management Approach Bursa Malaysia Common (C) & Sector-Specific (S) Indicators Applicable UNSDGs Relevant GRI Standards Community Engagement To encourage the culture of giving back while endorsing harmonious living that uplifts the well-being of the community Share the wealth and prosperity of the Group with local communities in which we operate • C2(a) Total amount invested in the community where the target beneficiaries are external to the listed issuer • C2(b) Total number of beneficiaries of the investment in communities • GRI 411: Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2016 • GRI 413: Local Communities • GRI 415: Public Policy 2016 EMPLOYEE DIVERSITY & INCLUSION To sustain a thriving business and deliver value to our shareholders, we place the best interest of our employees at the forefront of our operating considerations. We believe that our people are the foundation and strength that enabled Tropicana to reach the success that it has achieved and hold the potential to propel the Group to greater heights. Therefore, we continuously work towards creating a conducive working environment by empowering our workforce through fair practices and inclusivity while rejecting any form of discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age and creed. The Group does not condone forced or compulsory labour, child labour, or any form of discrimination in our business operations and supply chain. At Tropicana, our employees are allowed to exercise their labour rights while following the Group’s in-house rules such as forbidding any sta from refusing to work, wilfully slow-down work and participating in illegal strikes. Tropicana values work-life balance and does not encourage working overtime or on weekends, unless necessary. A DIVERSE & INCLUSIVE CORPORATION As of 31 December 2023, we employed a total of 943 employees. The numbers are significantly higher compared to FY2022 due to improved reporting as we included employee data from Tropicana Golf & Country Resort in FY2023, which were excluded in FY2021 and FY2022 reporting previously. As a strong industry player, we believe it is our responsibility to contribute towards developing the national economy as well as uplifting the livelihood of fellow Malaysians. As such, we prioritised hiring local talents to develop their careers up to the global standards that the Group aligns itself with. With regards to employing creative minds that can contribute innovative input, the Group believes in hiring talent that spans a wide age range to achieve a good balance of new ideas and seasoned experiences. Total No. of Employees FY2022 843 FY2023 943 FY2021 0 200 400 600 800 1000 917 100 ANNUAL REPORT 2023