Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2023

Annually Continuously Quarterly Frequency of Engagement Semi-Annually As and when required Project basis Monthly Customers Suppliers & Contractors Governing Agencies Create quality and innovative developments that bridge communities together Cultivate and sustain a strong relationship with our service providers, vendors and suppliers that meet the Group’s quality and performance standards Strive towards continuous compliance with regulatory requirements to uphold accountability and integrity • Project features and design • Product quality • Sustainable considerations • Surrounding amenities and facilities • Customer support • Fair and transparent supply chain and tendering process • Contract availability • Project management approach • Compliance with regulations • Policies and frameworks applied to operations • Fair and transparent practices Customer satisfaction survey Marketing campaigns and events Corporate website and project microsites Social and digital media Tropicana 360 app Direct communication (SMS and email) Training and coaching for compliance Meetings and discussions with suppliers/contractors Local and global supplier/ contractor sourcing Supplier/contractor performance review Formal meetings Pre-consultations • Products and Services Responsibility (Social) • Occupational Safety and Health • Community Engagement • Environmental Compliance • Energy E ciency • Procurement Practices • Occupational Safety and Health • Contractor Management • Contractor/Supplier Management • Energy E ciency • Occupational Safety and Health • Contractor Management • Environmental Compliance • Energy E ciency 97 TROPICANA SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT