Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

PARTNERSHIP: SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE Our Corporate Governance Fundamental to good business practices is a robust corporate governance framework that upholds the trust of our stakeholders, maintains effective risk management strategies and prioritises good business conduct. In managing the expectations of our stakeholders and keeping them abreast with our business operations, we maintain a clear line of communication with regard to our corporate performance through Annual General Meetings, Annual and Quarterly financial reports as well as the publication of Board policies on our corporate website my/corporate-governance The Board oversees the overall governance within the Group. To sustain the value creation of Tropicana, the roles and responsibilities of the Board are presented in our Board Charter, supported by the Remuneration Policy for Directors and Senior Management. In ensuring transparency and accountability for our operations, we are guided by the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2021 (“MCCG 2021”) and report our performance via the Corporate Governance Report on an annual basis. We also believe in achieving exemplary standards of ethical conduct and professionalism. We foster this by establishing policies that outline the rules of conduct that apply to all our employees and the wider stakeholder groups throughout their involvement with Tropicana. Board of Directors’ Policy Board Charter • Presents the Group’s expectations to the Board in managing stakeholders’ interests • Describes key responsibilities held by the Board of Directors • Corporate website Remuneration Policy for Directors and Senior Management • Outlines clear guiding principles for fair practices in determining the remuneration of the Board and Senior Management • Corporate website Fit & Proper Policy • Spells out criteria used in assessing the fit and proper of relevant directors for a person nominated to be a director • Assess re-elected directors if he/she complies with the fit and proper criteria established by the Board • Corporate website Code of Ethics for Company Directors Outlines clear standards of ethical behaviour of Directors to enhance the standards of corporate governance and corporate behaviour • Corporate website Terms of Reference of the Senior Independent Director Describes key duties and responsibilities held by the Senior Independent Director • Corporate website Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee Describes key functions and duties, authority, roles and responsibilities held by the Audit Committee • Corporate website Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committee Describes key functions and duties, authority held by the Nomination Committee • Corporate website Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee Describes key functions and duties, authority held by the Remuneration Committee • Corporate website 98 ANNUAL REPORT 2022