Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

COVID-19 PANDEMIC: ADAPTING TO THE ENDEMIC PHASE Tropicana continues to take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously even as Malaysia eased towards the endemic phase on 1 April 2022 to ensure the safety of our personnel, customers and other stakeholders. Safeguarding Our People and the General Community Up to RM33,000 Contributed to COVID-19 Safety Workplace Health & Safety Contribution • Clinic Waste Disposal – RM610 • Hand Sanitisers – RM5,521 • Auto Stand Mobile Sanitisers – RM6,600 • Misting Equipment and Chemicals – RM10,989 • Rapid Test Kits – RM10,228 Cost = RM33,947 Creating a Safe Working Environment Throughout FY2022, we continued our efforts to create a safe workspace for our employees while also promoting sound hygiene practices to curb the spread of the virus. We maintained a swift management approach in the event of a positive case detected in our operating areas by enforcing quarantine measures, social distancing practices, thorough sanitisation and close contact monitoring. Covid-19 Management Measures at our HQ and Other Operating Areas Sanitising Office Spaces • Weekly sanitisation work at Tropicana Gardens Office Tower – a joint initiative between Administration Department and Group Asset Management (“GAM”) Division to sanitise internal office, common spaces and elevators. Sanitising Public Areas • Scheduled deployment (early morning, lunch hour and after office hours) of the UV light machine upon the usage of meeting rooms, conference rooms and discussion areas by our staff and visitors. • Engaged a qualified vendor to conduct disinfection via misting in public areas such as the main lobby, passenger elevators, waiting areas, workstations and internal offices. Sanitising Tools • Hand sanitiser stands were installed at every main entrance of Tropicana Gardens Office Tower - a certified vendor was employed to refill the hand sanitisers upon request. • Installed two (2) units of disinfection devices at the corporate receptionist area and Director’s floor. • Employed the use of sanitising equipment during staff antigen screening sessions conducted on a fortnightly basis – more than 700 employees were screened each time. Information Sharing • All matters related to COVID-19 management and initiatives were communicated to our staff via the employee portal – a total of twelve (12) memos were released in FY2022 related to the pandemic. • Staff were regularly reminded to maintain social distancing, practice job rotations and choose isolated working areas when working within the office. Covid-19 Management Measures at Project Sites Our efforts to manage and mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus included the project sites in which we operate. To manage this, our contractors were required to produce a standard operating procedure (“SOP”) that outlined safe working practices throughout the pandemic and implement the approved measures to any relevant parties who entered the project site. The SOP was reinforced by the Group’s internal efforts to monitor and manage conditions at the project site by our project team and guided by the following initiatives: Sanitising Construction Sites • High exposure areas such as site office, toilet, canteen etc – Daily General construction area – Weekly Maintaining Social Distance • Site progress meetings were conducted virtually via Zoom or Microsoft Teams as and when deemed necessary • Contractors were required to manage the number of site workers to prevent overcrowding and ensure adequate social distancing can be practised. Sanitising Tools • All site personnel and workers were provided with face masks, access to hand sanitisers and anti-bacterial hand soap • Fogging at project sites was conducted to manage virus spread and other airborne diseases such as dengue • All staff, contractors and workers were required to wear a face mask at all times upon entering the project site • Any parties entering our project site were required to undergo temperature checks • Any individual with fever symptoms or recorded temperature above 37.5°C was required to undertake prompt and necessary medical action COVID-19 Screening • RTK screenings were conducted on all site personnel and workers on a fortnightly basis • New site workers were required to present a negative test result from RTK screening before commencing work at the project site • Any individuals who exhibited COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, coughing, breathing difficulties etc were required to undergo the swab test and provide negative test results before resuming work • All site personnel and workers were required to complete booster vaccination within the stipulated period outlined by the Ministry of Health (“MOH”) 95 TROPICANA SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT