Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

Key Training Programmes Conducted/Attended during FY2022 Our training programmes comprise a mix of internal training hosted by respective departments and external sessions where we engage trainers from reputable organisations. The main objective is to deliver key information that would equip our employees with the best skills and knowledge to perform to the best of their abilities which will ultimately facilitate job satisfaction and enhance the Group’s performance in the long-term. Below are examples of some of the training sessions offered to our personnel in FY2022: Career Skills Mental Toughness: Perseverance, Resilience & Performing Under Pressure • Emphasises on mental toughness in the workforce and/or during the lockdown by ensuring a “Winning” mindset through Composure, Concentration, Confidence and Cope-ability The Managerial Moment of Truth • Recognise the need to manage moments of truth by understanding the fundamentals of performance conversations for feedback and review Mastering Emotional Intelligence • Learn about emotional intelligence and its impact by learning about emotions and decoding them in 4 ways (thoughts, bodily sensations, action tendencies and intensity) L.E.A.D.S 2 Days Negotiation & Communication with Tact & Confidence • Develop communication and negotiation skills in a business context Effective Data Presentation (The Storytelling Way) • Develop the skill to turn data and insights into actionable recommendations and learn the skills to use design principles to highlight key takeaways and accelerate decision-making Quality Service Mini Workshops • Knowledge sharing by operations staff to staff from other departments on managing homebuyers’ expectations Eradication of Sexual Harassment at Workplace • Understanding the definition and learning the different types of sexual harassment and the steps to file a complaint Forensic Audit & Fraud Examination • Guidance on the prevention, detection and response to an allegation of fraud, abuse, and mismanagement of funds. Learn about the emerging fraud in the digital age, best practices to mitigate the risks posed to organisations and how to handle cases from initial allegation to prosecution Corporate Law & Updates Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance 2021-Implications to Listed Corporations, Directors and Management • Updates address the urgent need for companies to manage Environmental, Social and Governance risks and opportunities with the introduction of 12 new practices and 8 updated practices Real Estate & Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia • Briefing on Housing Integrated Management System • Policies and Regulatory updates impacting the housing industry MAICSA: Members Voluntary Winding up of a Company • Guidelines on members’ voluntary winding up of a Company OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH (OSH) Tropicana maintains the highest regard for the safety of our site employees and workers who are not employees but work on project sites controlled by the Group. Our operations are guided by regulations and standards by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (“DOSH”) and CIDB on matters related to site safety and health. All parties that enter our project site grounds were required to wear personal protective equipment (“PPE”) at all times and site workers were provided with specialised protective equipment in line with specific job functions such as working at height, confined spaces or handling chemicals. The Group performed its due diligence with regard to OSH matters via the project team monitoring the safety reports produced by the contractors we engage with and conducting regular assessments of on-site safety. In FY2022, we incurred one fatality at Tropicana Gardens compared to zero casualties across our entire operations in FY2021. The Board and Management take the incident seriously. The Group has created a set of corrective measures to enhance our OSH policies and practices to prevent further loss of human lives in future. This section was prepared with reference to the Bursa Malaysia and GRI sustainability indicators below: Bursa Malaysia Common Indicators • C5(a) Number of work-related fatalities • C5(b) Lost time incident rate • C5(c) Number of employees trained on health and safety standards GRI 403: Occupational Health & Safety 2018 • Disclosure 403-1 Occupational health and safety management system • Disclosure 403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation • Disclosure 403-3 Occupational health services • Disclosure 403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety • Disclosure 403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety • Disclosure 403-6 Promotion of worker health • Disclosure 403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships • Disclosure 403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system • Disclosure 403-9 Work-related injuries • Disclosure 403-10 Work-related ill health Property Manager Competency • Procurement guidelines by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government • Guidelines on conducting a building condition survey Latest Challenges Facing Strata Management in Malaysia • Updates and sharing of knowledge on Strata Living in Malaysia Understanding Housing Development Act and its Regulations • Understand the requirement of the act and updates ESG Series for Accountants and Professionals • Guidelines on the background knowledge of corporate responsibility, its main challenges and their interconnectedness 92 ANNUAL REPORT 2022