Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

Learning & Development While a large portion of our operations is attributed to developing land into exclusive townships and properties for general society, our business model also includes the service delivery of our products. Therefore, effective customer engagement practices and sound knowledge of the property industry are essential to enhancing the value creation of our business. In FY2022, we achieved 9,608 hours of training for our employees across the Group despite the shift from physical learning to online platforms. This is a significant increase compared to FY2021 when we recorded 1,248 hours of training for our employees across the Group despite the shift from physical learning to online platforms. Our employees are encouraged to seek out courses relevant to their job functions to remain competitive and highly knowledgeable about operational management, governance, consumer trends and property market demand. Tropicana continues to endorse continuous learning as a journey towards optimising our business performance and promoting career development opportunities. Director Manager Non-Executive Senior Manager Executive Female Male 6.97 5.86 14.97 10.97 13.96 8.41 2.03 Average Training Hours by Gender Average Training Hours by Employment Category Note: Permanent employees only Tropicana is pleased to comply with Bursa Malaysia and GRI’s newest social sustainability reporting indicators listed below in this section: Bursa Malaysia Common Indicators (Fully) • C6(a) Total hours of training by employee category GRI 404: Training and Education 2016 (Partially) • Disclosure 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee • Disclosure 404-2 Programmes for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programmes • Disclosure 404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews 91 TROPICANA SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT