Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

As a responsible developer, Tropicana is aware of the environmental impacts resulting from our core operations. We utilise raw materials to construct buildings on our landbanks which inevitably impacts the natural environment to a certain extent. The Group adheres to strict environmental and development guidelines and regulations set by public agencies such as the Department of Environment (“DOE”), Town and Country Planning Department (“PLANMalaysia”) and local governments in all our development projects. Our Project Division and contractors employ good environmental management practices throughout the construction phase. Eco-friendly features are incorporated into the buildings and landscapes in our townships to reduce air, land, water and sound pollution and waste as well as conserve energy, water and biodiversity. In line with Malaysia’s ambition to become carbon neutral by 2050, Tropicana has taken some steps to lower the Group’s greenhouse gas emissions, including installing energy-efficient features, solar panels and wind turbines in our developments. Beyond reducing our carbon footprint, the Group is also concerned with the impact of anthropogenic climate change such as increased rainfall and sea level rise on our development projects and communities. We are in the midst of ascertaining the Group’s Scope 1 to 3 emissions and are undertaking appropriate climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. PLANET: ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Material Matter Importance to Tropicana Management Approach Bursa Malaysia Common (C) / Sector-Specific (S) Indicators Applicable UNSDGs Relevant GRI Standards Environmental Compliance To minimise environmental impact via compliance and legislative requirements throughout the Group’s supply chain Implement initiatives to enhance awareness of the importance of environmental conservation and protection by adhering to regulations that aim to protect the natural environment N/A Disclosure 2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations Energy Efficiency To create awareness of responsible energy consumption practices and contribute towards reducing carbon emissions Implement initiatives to achieve a reduction in carbon emissions, energy consumption and overall cost reduction of electricity usage C4(a) Total energy consumption C11(a) Scope 1 emissions in tonnes of CO2 C11(b) Scope 2 emissions in tonnes of CO2 C11(c) Scope 3 emissions in tonnes of CO2 GRI 302: Energy 2016 GRI 305: Emissions 2016 62 ANNUAL REPORT 2022