Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

We selected our top 13 material sustainability matters to be presented in this Sustainability Statement as part of our commitment to disclose the Group’s sustainable development progress for the financial year ending 31 December 2022. These key material sustainability matters provide a balanced insight into our economic, environmental and social (“EES”) risks and opportunities that drive our business operations and considerations applied to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. To add value to the material sustainability matters data we disclose, we align each material sustainability matter with relevant stakeholder groups and present the potential risk and opportunities to Tropicana’s operations. Involved Stakeholder(s) Potential Risks and Opportunities to Group Operations Relevant UNSDG • Board of Directors • Investing Communities Risk Opportunities • Evolving consumer trends and regulatory changes • Value creation through innovative development • Suppliers • Contractors Risk Opportunities • Disruption to the global supply chain • Uplift local suppliers’ market • Government • Suppliers • Contractors • Customers Risk Opportunities • Resource use during development • Safeguard the environment through compliance • Government • Suppliers • Customers • Investing Communities Risk Opportunities • Resource use and carbon emission • Innovative technology to reduce emissions • Government • Suppliers • Customers • Investing Communities Risk Opportunities • Exposure to pollution and poison • Safeguard the environment through compliance • Government • Suppliers • Customers • Investing Communities Risk Opportunities • Resource use during development • Exposure to pollution and poison • Safeguard the environment through compliance • Government • Suppliers • Customers • Investing Communities Risk Opportunities • Habitat loss and pollution • Preserve biodiversity through compliance 59 TROPICANA SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT