Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

GLOBAL INITIATIVE United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UNSDGs”) In response to the growing call for corporate entities to enhance their commitment towards climate action and adopt sustainable development solutions, we have identified 9 UNSDGs that align with our business operations and value chain. Progressively, the Group aims to further review and consider measures that would meet the targets of more UNSDGs. GOAL 3: Good Health & Well-Being To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality To promote equal opportunities for our employees and general society GOAL 5: Gender Equality To foster a workplace environment where everyone is treated with respect regardless of gender identity GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities To adopt sustainable measures throughout our developments and facilitate community-building initiatives GOAL 6: Clean Water & Sanitation To ensure availability and sustainable water management and sanitation management for all GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption & Production To actively work towards sustainable construction practices and develop buildings that provide sustainable living solutions. GOAL 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth To provide a safe and conducive environment for our employees through fair practices and business development. GOAL 15: Life on Land To sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure To inculcate innovative measures that serve to enhance our deliverables and service quality 53 TROPICANA SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT