Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

VALUE ADDED STATEMENT 2022 2021 RM’000 RM’000 Value Added Total turnover 942,557 876,015 Purchases of goods and services (981,201) (533,871) Value Added by the Group (38,644) 342,144 Share of results of an associate (4,428) 18,587 Share of results of joint ventures 10,682 22,254 Total Value Added (32,390) 382,985 Reconciliation : Loss attributable to owners of the parent (435,587) (52,171) Add : Depreciation and amortisation 39,561 37,490 Finance costs 193,412 201,451 Salaries and other staff costs 206,997 180,026 Corporate taxation (61,763) (5,909) Holders of perpetual bond 42,148 22,633 Non-controlling interests (17,158) (535) Total Value Added (32,390) 382,985 VALUE DISTRIBUTED Employees Salaries and other staff costs 206,997 180,026 Government Corporate taxation (61,763) (5,909) Providers of capital Dividends costs - - Finance costs 193,412 201,451 Holders of perpetual bond 42,148 22,633 Non-controlling interests (17,158) (535) Reinvestment and growth Depreciation and amortisation 39,561 37,490 Loss incurred by the Group (435,587) (52,171) Total Distributed (32,390) 382,985 34 ANNUAL REPORT 2022