Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

33. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES Group Company 2022 2021 2022 2021 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Non-current Trade payables Third parties (Note 33(a)(i)) 388,042 344,772 – – Other payables Other payables and deposits 7,492 31,942 – – Accruals 22,439 24,429 – – Security retainers (Note 33(b)(i)) 2,778 2,591 – – Sinking fund reserves (Note 33(b)(ii)) 8,320 7,113 – – Provisions (Note 33(c)) 110,396 105,971 – – 151,425 172,046 – – 539,467 516,818 – – Current Trade payables (Note 33(a)(ii)) Third parties 542,125 331,176 – – Retention sum 82,180 74,138 – – 624,305 405,314 – – Other payables Other payables and deposits 333,606 355,800 4,275 1,490 ICPS dividend payable 16,012 95 16,012 95 Accruals 205,666 112,211 15,418 15,035 Amounts due to: (Note 33(b)(iii)) - Subsidiaries – – 259,850 224,972 - Non-controlling interests 12,246 12,246 – – - Joint venture 3,779 3,492 – – Amounts due to shareholders 155,842 40,161 152,877 37,726 Provisions (Note 33(c)) 40,848 70,935 – – 767,999 594,940 448,432 279,318 1,392,304 1,000,254 448,432 279,318 Total trade and other payables 1,931,771 1,517,072 448,432 279,318 (a) Trade payables (i) Trade payables (non-current) T his amount relates to the vendor’s entitlement payable by subsidiaries arising from the acquisition of land over the period of the development projects, which is approximately 6 to 20 years. (ii) Trade payables (current) T he normal trade credit term granted to the Group ranges from 30 to 90 days (2021: 30 to 90 days) from the date of invoice and progress claim. The retention sum is repayable upon expiry of the defect liability period of 12 to 18 months (2021: 12 to 18 months). 259 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS & OTHER INFORMATION