Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

32. BORROWINGS (CONT’D.) The range of interest rates per annum at the reporting date for borrowings were as follows: 2022 2021 % % Bridging loans 4.49 - 5.14 – Revolving credits 3.63 - 6.95 3.60 - 5.95 Term loans 3.75 - 10.50 3.75 - 6.33 Islamic Medium Term Notes 5.45 - 5.80 5.45 - 5.80 Bank overdrafts 4.75 - 5.05 4.90 - 5.20 Margin account 3.40 - 6.45 3.40 - 5.45 The borrowings of the Group and of the Company are secured by certain assets of the Group and of the Company as follows: (a) fixed charge over certain property, plant and equipment as disclosed in Note 15; (b) fixed charge over certain inventories as disclosed in Note 16; (c) fixed charge over certain investment properties as disclosed in Note 17; (d) fixed charge over certain contract cost assets as disclosed in Note 25; (e) fixed charge over certain assets classified as held for sale as disclosed in Note 27; (f) fixed charge over certain right-of-use assets as disclosed in Note 35; (g) legal assignment of all cashflows, sale or tenancy agreements, insurance policies, construction contracts, construction guarantees and performance bonds in relation to certain projects developed by subsidiaries; (h) fixed and floating charge over the assets of certain subsidiaries; (i) specific debentures creating fixed and floating charges over certain Charged Properties of the Company and certain subsidiaries of the Group; and (j) corporate guarantees provided by the Company. Other information on financial risks of borrowings are disclosed in Note 39. Company 2022 2021 RM’000 RM’000 Unsecured corporate guarantees given to banks for credit facilities granted to: - Subsidiaries 2,093,202 2,169,404 - Joint ventures 956 36,564 - Associate 78,532 88,795 2,172,690 2,294,763 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 256 ANNUAL REPORT 2022