Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

12. INCOME TAX (BENEFIT)/EXPENSE Group Company 2022 2021 2022 2021 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Current income tax: Malaysian income tax 45,816 71,942 13 303 (Over)/underprovision in prior years (13,477) 3,974 (142) (23) 32,339 75,916 (129) 280 Real property gain tax: Current financial year 47 12,230 – – Overprovision in prior years – (502) – – 47 11,728 – – Deferred tax (Note 31): Origination and reversal of temporary differences (107,986) (99,790) 233 312 Under/(over)provision in prior year 13,837 6,237 (7) 5 (94,149) (93,553) 226 317 Total income tax (benefit)/expense (61,763) (5,909) 97 597 Domestic income tax is calculated at the Malaysian statutory tax rate of 24% (2021: 24%) of the estimated assessable loss for the financial year. Taxation for other jurisdictions is calculated at the rates prevailing in the respective jurisdictions. 201 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS & OTHER INFORMATION