Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

OUR PRIORITIES Redefining the Art of Living, Sharing & Engaging We will continue to focus on our key priorities and strategies as we honour our commitment to our shareholders whilst staying true to our original aspirations. In our pursuit to continue to Redefine the Art of Living, we remain steadfast in our quest to build communities where one can live, work, learn, shop, and play. 1 2 3 4 5 6Embrace technology throug e-strategies for customer engagement via Tropicana’s 360 mobile app and other digital platforms Engage with our stakeholde via ESG framework and achieve workplace synergy b providing a conducive workplace and talent retenti Prioritise our marketing and sales eorts through branding and PR as well as local and international sales Improve cost and eciency in design and planning, value engineering, cost and contract, as well as pricing and packages Focus on premium land acquisitions and unlock landbanks via smart partnerships, pocket land acquisitions, and divestment of non-revenue land Strengthen our financial position by boosting liquidity and cash flows, lower net gearing and increase market capitalisation 4 5 6Embrace technology through e-strategies for customer engagement via Tropicana’s 360 mobile app and other digital platforms Engage with our stakeholders via ESG framework and achieve workplace synergy by providing a conducive workplace and talent retention Prioritise our marketing and sales eorts through branding and PR as well as local and international sales cost and eciency n and planning, gineering, cost and as well as pricing kages n premium land ons and unlock ks via smart partnerships, and acquisitions, and ent of non-revenue land en our financial by boosting liquidity flows, lower net and increase market ation 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2022