Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY - GROUP FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 Attributable to owners of the parent Non-distributable Distributable Irredeemable Foreign convertible currency Non- Share preference Treasury translation Retained Total Perpetual controlling Total capital shares shares reserve earnings reserves Total bond interests equity RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Note 28 Note 30 Note 28 Note 29(a) Note 29(b) Note 30 At 1 January 2022 2,046,168 1,004,593 (26,103) 156 1,611,330 1,611,486 4,636,144 527,791 820,182 5,984,117 Total comprehensive loss – – – (324) (435,587) (435,911) (435,911) – (17,158) (453,069) Distribution for the financial year – – – – – – – 42,148 – 42,148 Distribution paid for the financial year – – – – – – – (39,935) – (39,935) Transactions with owners: Conversion of ICPS to ordinary shares 631,722 (538,335) – – – – 93,387 – – 93,387 Issuance of preference shares to non-controlling interests – – – – – – – – 5,600 5,600 Issuance of perpetual bond – – – – – – – 130,000 – 130,000 Acquisition of non-controlling interests – – – – (22,734) (22,734) (22,734) – 17,834 (4,900) Purchase of treasury shares – – (2,337) – – – (2,337) – – (2,337) Total transactions with owners 631,722 (538,335) (2,337) – (22,734) (22,734) 68,316 130,000 23,434 221,750 At 31 December 2022 2,677,890 466,258 (28,440) (168) 1,153,009 1,152,841 4,268,549 660,004 826,458 5,755,011 161 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS & OTHER INFORMATION