Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 Group Company Note 2022 2021 2022 2021 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Revenue 4 942,557 876,015 20,462 42,229 Cost of sales 5 (492,830) (513,618) (16,782) (18,721) Gross profit 449,727 362,397 3,680 23,508 Other income 6 28,917 92,191 381 729 Selling and marketing expenses (32,767) (23,442) – – Administrative expenses (330,248) (285,837) (16,834) (18,521) Other expenses (411,927) (27,230) (31) (3,622) Operating (loss)/profit (296,298) 118,079 (12,804) 2,094 Finance income 7 11,096 6,549 141,493 121,289 Finance costs 8 (193,412) (201,451) (160,427) (164,752) Share of results of joint ventures 10,682 22,254 – – Share of results of an associate (4,428) 18,587 – – Loss before tax 9 (472,360) (35,982) (31,738) (41,369) Income tax benefit/(expense) 12 61,763 5,909 (97) (597) Loss net of tax for the financial year (410,597) (30,073) (31,835) (41,966) Other comprehensive (loss)/income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent period Foreign currency translation (324) 265 – – Total comprehensive loss (410,921) (29,808) (31,835) (41,966) (Loss)/profit attributable to: Owners of the parent (435,587) (52,171) (73,983) (64,599) Holders of perpetual bond 42,148 22,633 42,148 22,633 Non-controlling interests (17,158) (535) – – (410,597) (30,073) (31,835) (41,966) Total comprehensive (loss)/income attributable to: Owners of the parent (435,911) (51,906) (73,983) (64,599) Holders of perpetual bond 42,148 22,633 42,148 22,633 Non-controlling interests (17,158) (535) – – (410,921) (29,808) (31,835) (41,966) Loss per share attributable to owners of the parent (sen per share) - Basic 13 (24.73) (3.60) - Diluted 13 (17.97) (2.14) The accompanying accounting policies and explanatory information form an integral part of the financial statements. 157 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS & OTHER INFORMATION