Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

XIII. Directors’ Training All Directors have attended the Mandatory Accreditation Programme (“MAP”) prescribed by Bursa Securities. Directors are encouraged to attend continuing education programmes and seminars to keep themselves abreast with current developments in the market place and with new statutory and regulatory requirements. They are provided with updates from time to time on relevant new laws and regulations affecting their directorships and relevant compliances. Dato’ Mohamad Lotfy Bin Mohamad Noh and Datuk Tan Mann Chai, JP who were appointed as Directors during FY2022, had attended the MAP prior or subsequent to their appointments, to facilitate themselves with comprehensive understanding of the roles and responsibilities as director, key obligations of listed companies and director under MMLR of Bursa Securities as well as the importance of corporate governance. The training programmes attended by the Directors of the Company during FY2022 are listed below: Name of Directors Title of Training Programmes/Seminars Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Mohamad Fuzi Bin Harun Sustainability Strategy… Simplified! Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Chee Sing Sustainability Strategy… Simplified! Mr Dion Tan Yong Chien Sustainability Strategy… Simplified! Mr Jared Ang Tzer Shen Sustainability Strategy… Simplified! Dato’ Dickson Tan Yong Loong Sustainability Strategy… Simplified! Encik Mohd Najib Bin Abdul Aziz 1) Sustainability Strategy… Simplified! 2) Audit Committee Conference 2022 Datuk Wira Lye Ek Seang 1) Sustainability Strategy… Simplified! 2) Bursa Malaysia Immersive Session: The Board “Agender” Ms Alice Dora Boucher 1) Sustainability Strategy… Simplified! 2) Bursa Malaysia Immersive Session: The Board “Agender” Madam Vivienne Cheng Chi Fan Sustainability Strategy… Simplified! Dato’ Sri Badrul Hisham Bin Abdul Aziz 1) TCFD Climate Disclosure Training Programme 2) Sustainability Strategy… Simplified! Dato’ Mohamad Lotfy Bin Mohamad Noh* (Appointed w.e.f. 25 August 2022) _ Datuk Tan Mann Chai, JP (Appointed w.e.f. 5 September 2022) MAP Mr Lee Han Ming (Resigned on 1 May 2022) _ Datuk Siw Chun A/P Eam (Resigned on 18 August 2022) _ Dato’ Dr Teo Tong Kooi (Resigned on 20 January 2023) Sustainability Strategy… Simplified! Note: * Although Dato’ Mohammad Lotfy Bin Mohamad Noh was not able to attend a structure training programme during the financial year under review due to his personal exigencies. He continued to gain updates through the briefing by the Company Secretary as well as communications with other Directors and through his work exposures. ACCOUNTABILITY AND AUDIT Financial Reporting The Board is responsible for ensuring the financial statements of the Company and the Group are drawn up in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standards and the Act so as to give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Company and of the Group as at 31 December 2022 and of their financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended. The Board is committed to providing a clear, balanced and comprehensive meaningful assessment of the Group’s financial performance and prospects, primarily through the annual financial statements and quarterly announcements of results to shareholders. The Group’s audited financial statements for FY2022 are presented on pages 143 to 281 in this Annual Report. 128 ANNUAL REPORT 2022