Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

Materiality Matter Importance to Tropicana Management Approach Bursa Malaysia Common (C) Indicators Applicable UNSDGs Relevant GRI Standards Procurement Practices To ensure transparency, fairness, accountability and integrity throughout the entire procurement process Provide job opportunities to uplift the nation’s economy by prioritising local suppliers • C7(a) Proportion of spending on local suppliers • S6(a) Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria • S6(b) Number of suppliers assessed for environmental impacts • S7(a) Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using social criteria • S7(b) Number of suppliers assessed for social impacts • GRI 204: Procurement Practices 2016 • GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016 • GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016 For further details on our financial highlights, please refer to the following pages: • Performance at a Glance: Pages 30 to 31 • Financial Highlights and Insights: Pages 32 to 33 • Value Added Statement: Page 34 • Audited Financial Statements: Pages 143 to 281 Financial Performance (RM’mil) Total Value Added (32.39) Net Operating Loss (38.64) Share of Profits of Associate and Joint Ventures 6.25 Reinvestment and Growth (Depreciations and amortisation, loss incurred) (396.03) Government (Corporate taxation) (61.76) Employees (Salaries and other staff costs) 207.00 Providers of Capital (Finance costs, holders of perpetual bond and non-controlling interests) 218.40 Group Economic Value Operating disruptions due to lockdowns required the Group to optimise operational costs and to sustain healthy financial capital throughout the reporting year. We faced this challenge head-on by strategically managing our assets and increasing efforts to enhance product sales to maintain profitability. We remain steadfast in our efforts to achieve long-term growth in the Group’s business by pivoting our operations to embrace digitalisation practices that promoted a steady pace of product sales and service excellence. Further information on our business innovation journey can be found on Page 102 of the Sustainability Statement under the Homeownership and Innovation section. The result of our agility and strong performance has led to the Group successfully registering revenue of RM942.6 million, with FY2022 property sales reaching RM1.3 billion. 101 TROPICANA SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT