Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Registration No: 201501042584 (1167905-P) Serba Dinamik Holdings Berhad (Incorporated in Malaysia) 140 40. Subsequent events (continued) 40.1 Material litigation (continued) (b) The Company vs Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa”) (continued) The OS is to seek the following reliefs: i) A declaration that the instruction given by Bursa dated 28 June 2021 and 2 July 2021 to the Company to appoint EY Consulting as a special auditor to conduct a “Special Independent Review” made pursuant to paragraphs 2.23 and 2.24 of the Main Market Listing Requirements (“MMLR”) is in excess of power, null and void and of no effect. ii) A declaration that the instruction given by Bursa to the Company dated 22 October 2021 to announce a “Factual Findings Update” made by EY Consulting is in excess of power, null and void and of no effect. iii) A declaration that Bursa had failed to comply with paragraph 2.24 of the MMLR. iv) A declaration that Bursa has no power to instruct and/or direct the Company to take any steps, action and/or engage in any conduct which may contravene or otherwise may not comply with MMLR 9.03. v) A declaration that Bursa has no power to instruct and/or direct the Company to take any steps, action and/or engage in any conduct which may contravene or otherwise may not comply with MMLR 9.35A. vi) A declaration that Bursa’s conduct and/or action on 22 October 2021 in suspending the trading of the securities of the Company listed on the Main Market of Bursa under stock code 5279 and 5279WA is in excess of power, null and void and of no effect. vii) A declaration that Bursa’s conduct and/or action on 27 October 2021 in continuing the suspension of trading of the securities of the Company listed on the Main Market of Bursa under stock code 5279 and 5279WA is in excess of power, null and void and of no effect. viii) A declaration that Bursa had acted in contravention of s.11(3)(a) of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (“CMSA”). ix) A declaration that Bursa has no power to direct and/or instruct the form and contents of any matter that the Company may be required to announce. x) A declaration that Bursa has no power to direct and/or instruct the Company. xi) A declaration that Bursa has no power to suspend trading of the securities of the Company by reason of the Company not making an announcement of any matter, even though Bursa may consider such failure to announce a breach of the MMLR that may subject the Company to disciplinary proceedings.