Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Registration No: 201501042584 (1167905-P) Serba Dinamik Holdings Berhad (Incorporated in Malaysia) 95 18. Capital and reserves (continued) (a) Share capital (continued) In the previous financial year, the number of ordinary shares of the Company was increased from 1,468,500,000 units to 3,083,849,878 units following the listing of the subdivided shares and bonus shares, as detailed below on the Main Market of Bursa Securities on 4 December 2019; i. number of subdivided shares of 734,249,957 pursuant to share split involving a subdivision of every two existing ordinary shares into three shares; and ii. number of bonus shares of 881,099,921 pursuant to bonus issue on the basis of two bonus shares for every five subdivided shares; The issuance of 881,099,921 free warrants on the basis of two warrants for every five subdivided shares has been completed on 13 December 2019 following the listing and quotation of the warrants on the Main Market of Bursa Securities. (b) Warrants No warrants were exercised during the financial period. As at period end, 881,099,921 warrants remained unexercised. (c) Treasury shares In March 2020, the Company made multiple repurchase transactions of shares totalling 18,779,000 shares for its issued share capital in the open market at an average price ranging from RM1.27 to RM1.97 per share. The total consideration paid was RM31,865,817. The repurchase shares were financed by internally generated funds. The shares repurchased are retained as treasury shares. In October and November 2020, the Company made multiple repurchase transactions of shares totalling 3,283,800 shares for its issued share capital in the open market at an average price ranging from RM1.50 to RM1.60 per share. The total consideration paid was RM5,020,880. The repurchase shares were financed by internally generated funds. The shares repurchased are retained as treasury shares. On 4 December 2020, the Company sold its treasury shares totalling 4,500,000 shares from its repurchased share capital in the open market at a range of average price of RM1.84 to RM1.90 per share. The total consideration received was RM8,384,797. The shares resale are offsetted against the existing treasury shares. (d) Merger reverse Pursuant to the restructuring in relation to the initial public offering, the Company has acquired the shares in SDGB for a purchase consideration of RM531,799,999. The difference, net of tax, between the carrying value and purchase consideration was treated as merger reserve. ents, segment revenue is based on d on the geographical location of the at gross before elimination of inter-