Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Registration No: 201501042584 (1167905-P) Serba Dinamik Holdings Berhad (Incorporated in Malaysia) 59 6. Property, plant and equipment (continued) Group (continued) Balance brought forward Tools and equipment Office renovation Asset under construction Total RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Cost At 1 January 2020 756,450 1,021,264 8,177 309,589 2,095,480 Additions 327,048 474,935 13,472 152,868 968,323 Acquisitions and disposals through business combination (Note 38 (a)) 4,407 (753) - - 3,654 Total effect of movement in exchange rates 3,455 8,364 - (124) 11,695 Disposals (3,080) (72) - - (3,152) Write offs (5,866) (28,759) (670) - (35,295) Transfers 292,904 6,955 - (433,635) (133,776) At 30 June 2021 1,375,318 1,481,934 20,979 28,698 2,906,929 Accumulated depreciation At 1 January 2020 147,391 257,131 2,341 - 406,863 Acquisitions and disposals through business combination (Note 38 (a)) (111) (474) - - (585) Charge for the financial period 131,844 190,787 1,429 1,431 325,491 Total effect of movement in exchange rates 669 1,435 - (30) 2,074 Disposals (459) - - - (459) Write offs (5,116) (28,839) (670) - (34,625) Transfers (516) - - - (516) At 30 June 2021 273,702 420,040 3,100 1,401 698,243 Carrying amount At 30 June 2021 1,101,616 1,061,894 17,879 27,297 2,208,686