Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Integrated Report 2021 231 Chapter 7, Part J, Para 7.26 of the Listing Requirements and Article 111 of the Group’s Constitution require all Directors to retire at least once every three (3) years or at least one third (1/3) of the Directors shall retire by rotation each year and they are eligible for re-election. The re-election of Directors at regular intervals enhances Board effectiveness and also presents shareholders with the opportunity to measure the performance of the Directors. The Meetings & Time Commitment All Directors of the Group have complied with the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia which not holding more than five (5) directorships in listed issuers at any given time. This to ensure the Directors do not have competing time commitments that may impair their ability to discharge their responsibilities effectively. The Board meets quarterly to review the performance and strategies of the Group. When a need arises, the Special Board meetings will be convened when warranted by situations such as to deliberate urgent corporate proposals or matters that require the expeditious direction of the Board. In the intervals between Boardmeetings, for exceptional matters requiring urgent Board decision, the Board’s approvals are sought via circular resolutions, which are supported with enough information required to make an informed decision. The Board is satisfied that each Director has committed sufficient time to the Group as evidence from the Directors’ record of attendance at Board meetings held in the Financial Year 2021, as reflected as follows: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT