Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Integrated Report 2021 229 The Independent Directors As at 30 June 2021, 33% of the Board members are Independent Directors, complying with Paragraph 15.02 of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia. The Group measures the independence of its Directors based on the criteria stipulated in the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia in which a Director should be independent and free from any business or other relationship that could interfere with the exercise of independent judgment or the ability to act in the best interest of the Group. The Board has appointed Hasman Yusri Yusoff as the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director of the Group, to whom concerns of the other Directors, shareholders and other interested parties may be conveyed to. The Senior Independent Director and Independent Directors play active roles in deliberation of policies and providing unbiased independent views, and sound judgement. In line with the exemplary practice as recommended by the MCCG, the Board, under advice of the NRC, has adopted the policy that the tenure of the Independent Non – Executive Director should not exceed a cumulative term limit of nine (9) years. In addition, the Board has discouraged from appointing an active politician as a director on its board aligning with the MCCG 2021. Continuous Development Programme for Directors In line with Paragraph 15.08 of the Listing Requirements, the Directors recognize the importance and value of attending conferences, training programmes and seminars in order to keep themselves abreast with the development and changes in the industries in which the Group operates, as well to update themselves on new statutory and regulatory requirements. The following training programmes were attended by the Directors during the financial year ended 30 June 2021: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT