Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Section 6 | Sustainability Statement 210 Number of Employees by Geographical Location DIVERSITY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY We support and commit to equal opportunity, diversity, and non-discrimination in the workplace by providing equal employment, career development and advancement opportunities, and non-discriminatory pay packages. We prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, sex, age, marital status, national origin, education level, political belief or affiliation, sexual orientation, and any other type of discrimination. Diversity in the workplace ensures a variety of perspectives, skills, and experiences. Although we prioritise local talents at the location where we operate, being a global company with operations in various countries, we have a diverse workforce including people of varying gender, ages, religions, races, ethnicity, cultural background, and languages. For example, though we are a Malaysian based company, our operations in Malaysia comprises employees from other countries including Bosnia, India, Indonesia, Guinea, Myanmar, Yemen, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and United Kingdom. In a diverse workplace, employees are exposed to multiple perspectives and worldviews leading to higher innovation rates and increased creativity. We ensure to adhere to the local laws in countries we operate including human rights law, employment law and business conduct, among others. To prevent child labor and force labor issue, we strictly do not employ nor do we tolerate any suppliers who employ individuals aged 18 years and below. Additionally, all our employees join our workforce on a consensual employment contract. Workplace Diversity Total Employees FPE2021 2,244 19 5 FYE2018 FPE2021 3 FYE2019 United Kingdom 9 0 FYE2018 FPE2021 0 FYE2019 UAE Local Citizen Others Local Citizen Others Local Citizen Others Local Citizen Others Local Citizen Others Local Citizen Others Local Citizen Others 8 0 FYE2018 FPE2021 7 FYE2019 Tanzania 14 0 FYE2018 FPE2021 0 FYE2019 Turkmenistan 4 0 FYE2018 FPE2021 3 FYE2019 Laos 1,757 1,017 FYE2018 FPE2021 1,321 FYE2019 Malaysia* 413 202 FYE2018 FPE2021 FYE2019 Indonesia* 376 17 FYE2018 FPE2021 15 0 FYE2019 Bahrain Local Citizen Others 3 FYE2018 FPE2021 0 FYE2019 Uzbekistan Local Citizen Others *includes permanent and contractual employees ENRICHING EMPLOYEES AND COMMUNITIES