Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Integrated Report 2021 203 SUPPORTING GREEN ENERGY SUPPORTING CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION We are aware that we are part of the value chain in the extraction, processing and use of non-renewable fossil fuels such as oil and gas. While the world today continues to be heavily reliant on fossil fuels, we are committed to pursue alternative renewable and clean energy. We have invested in renewable energy assets in line with our mission to become a sustainable and environmentally responsible company. Between 2015 and 2019, we increased our investments in companies involved in hydro and biogas power generation. This brings our Group’s renewable energy portfolio to approximately 65 MW. Water is the most basic necessity that many people take for granted. Globally, 844 million people lack access to clean water. In view of our support for UNSDG’s Goal 6 in ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, our Group has made concerted efforts by investing in companies that develop and own water and sanitation-related assets including water supply, water treatment and wastewater management. In 2017 and 2018, we invested in water and sanitation- related assets including a water and sewage treatment plant in Terengganu, Malaysia, as well as a chlor-alkali plant producing chlorine and caustic soda for water treatment purposes in Tanzania. Both developments are currently in-progress for completion. ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES Small/Mini Hydropower Plants Water treatment plant Chlor-alkali plant Biogas Power Plants 29.1 MW 4 MW 30 MW 2 MW Sabah, Malaysia 1 Johor, Malaysia 1 Houphan, Laos 2 Penang, Malaysia 1 1 Through our 30% stake in Adat Sanjung Sdn. Bhd. 2 Through our 49% stake in OHP Ventures Incorporated 1 Through our 20% stake in Bion PLC (formerly known as Green & Smart Holdings PLC) Through our 40% stake in KonsortiumKAJV Sdn. Bhd. Through our 25% stake in Sufini Holdings Ltd. SAFEGUARDING EMPLOYEES AND ENVIRONMENT