Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Integrated Report 2021 191 GROWING ICT FOR BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY Gearing up for the future, we need to stay ahead and embrace the next industrial revolution phase - Industry 4.0 . The revolution that changed the world of business. Digitalisation plays a significant role in sustainable development and have a big impact on our daily lives. We believe that digitalisation will be the next stage of growth for businesses globally. We aim to incorporate technology into our business operations to evolve and grow as well as being a key role in Malaysia’s digital transformation journey. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION This year we expanded our ICT business segment to increase its revenue contribution to our Group. Over the years, our Group has invested over RM55 million to grow our ICT business. Leveraging fromour investment in eNOAH iSolution Pvt Ltd, we set up an innovation laboratory in India Institute of Technology Madras in Chennai, India and managed to attract a pool of professionals from ICT industry in India. We also expanded our global network in the US through eNOAH’s operations in Silicon Valley as well as our research collaboration with Stanford University AI Lab ("SAIL"). Our ICT division has establish 5 key technology domains, namely Cloud Computing, Financial Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Frontier Technology. With this, we hired forty-two (42) new employees for our ICT division between January 2020 and March 2021. In 2020, our ICT division revolutionised immersive digital interaction with XR technology by developing VR HSE Training Centre for PERTAMINA in Indonesia, a timely innovation to overcome COVID-19 challenges. We also launchedD-Virtual Expo, an interactive VR platformthat hosted immersive online conferences and expos such as MARA E-Jana Niaga and more. We also secured ICT projects to implement digital platforms and solutions in Zambia and the Republic of Guinea. We also succeeded in securing projects to develop a data centre and innovation hub in Abu Dhabi, UAE. While majority of the project will tap onto our EPCC capabilities, part of the project will include providing ICT related services. In same the year, we partnered with various industry experts and government agencies to gain access to knowledge and provide us with the opportunity to grow our ICT segment. Partnership Highlights in 2020 Partnership with Huawei Malaysia to develop digital solution via the adoption of Huawei Cloud and Artificial Intelligence ("AI") technology Partnership with Malaysian Technology Development Corporation ("MTDC") to foster the growth of the digital startup ecosystem in Malaysia by providing guidance and mentoring budding entrepreneurs for innovative transformation DELIVERING SUSTAINABLE GROWTH