Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Section 5 | Management Discussion & Analysis 162 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Administrative expenses of the Group incurred amounted to RM253.48 million during the FPE2021. Personnel expenses incurred during the year amounted to RM92.28million or 36.41% of the total administrative expenses for the period. These expenses include wages, salaries and other compensations paid to employees including statutory contributions to retirement and social security funds. Professional fees paid amounted to RM27.69 million or 10.92% of the total administrative expenses incurred in FPE2021. These include fees paid to third party professional service providers for professional fees such as legal consultancy, secretarial & audit services and other advisory fees and professional fees relating to financing purposes. Depreciation of land, buildings, fixtures and fittings, and motor vehicles during FPE2021 amounted to RM35.45 million or 13.99% of the total administrative expenses for the period. This consisted of depreciation of TR Yard which acquired during the period. Other administrative expenses in FPE2021 amounted to RM90.30 million or 35.62% of the administrative expenses incurred. Other administrative expenses include donation for COVID-19, office expenses, maintenance, transportation, marketing, levies and rentals, utilities amongst other similar administrative expenses. 13.99% 10.92% 3.06% Personnel Expenses Depreciation Professional Fees Foreign Exchange Loss Other Administrative Expenses 36.41% 35.62% 253.48 103.72 73.64 117.37 71.85 8.61 3.28 2.72 4.53 2.17 2016* 2017 2018 2019 2021 ^ RM Millions RM Billions Admin Expenses Revenue * The figures and values for 2016 in this section represent that performance of Serba Dinamik Group Berhad, in order to reflect the performance of the Group prior to the incorporation of Serba Dinamik Holdings Berhad and the subsequent acquisition of Serba Dinamik Group Berhad on 26 May 2016. For further information please refer to our IPO prospectus available on our corporate website. ^ On 07 May 2021, the Group announced the change of financial year end for the Company and its subsidiaries from 31 December 2020 to 30 June 2021. The audited financial statements is for a period of eighteen (18) months, made up from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2021.