Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Section 5 | Management Discussion & Analysis 136 2021 PERFORMANCE REVIEW IN DEPTH REVIEW OF OPERATIONS The segmental revenue composition of the Group is nevertheless similar to past years operation for FYE2019, with the O&M segment being the key revenue contributor to the Group. From the total Group’s revenue during FPE2021, the O&M segment has generated 89.58% or RM7.39 billion revenue. While EPCC segment is the second largest revenue contributor in FPE2021 with a contribution of RM790.61 million. The ICT segment registered 4.86% of the total revenue of RM418.64 million during FPE2021, mainly related to customized solutions involving software developments. Last but not least, our E&T business segments have accounted for 0.07% or RM6.13 million from total revenue during FPE2021, mainly from the technical training programme and the recent acquisition of Serba Dinamik Education Sdn. Bhd. (“SD Edu”) (formerly known as Prestariang Education Sdn. Bhd.) which is also known as University Malaysia of Computer Science & Engineering (“UNIMY”). Operational Segments Review O&M Reliability 28 years of experience in the industry Create Ranking 3 rd in Malaysia O&G Services & Equipment for 2019 Network Long-term partnerships with various stakeholders Value Proposition Strong orderbook replenishment via active new tenders & existing contract renewal Nurture Develop local economies and contribute to the success of dealers’ businesses Diversify By synergies O&M + EPCC with quality services to fulfil customers’ demands Skilled Develop high performing and skilled workforce Who we are and what we do O&M services are focused on maintenance, repair and overhaul ("MRO") of rotating equipment and inspection, repair and maintenance ("IRM") of static equipment and structures Value created by our key operations FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE