Serba Dinamik Annual Report 2021

Section 5 | Management Discussion & Analysis 132 ^ On 07 May 2021, the Group announced the change of financial year end for the Company and its subsidiaries from 31 December 2020 to 30 June 2021. The audited financial statements is for a period of eighteen (18) months, made up from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2021. QUARTERLY GROUP FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE KEY INTEREST-BEARING ASSETS AND LIABILITY RM’000 Revenue Gross Profit Net finance costs LBT/PBT Tax expense LAT/PAT RM’000 Revenue Gross Profit Net finance costs PBT Tax expense PAT 1Q2021 1,278,669 228,688 (49,976) 147,685 (14,083) 133,602 1Q2019 984,387 178,376 (24,383) 124,484 (12,106) 112,379 2Q2021 1,437,878 256,696 (57,479) 166,487 (18,623) 147,863 2Q2019 1,138,621 197,551 (27,260) 143,842 (12,689) 131,153 3Q2021 1,481,880 260,671 (51,965) 164,839 (16,320) 148,519 3Q2019 1,045,064 180,001 (26,807) 137,384 (23,180) 114,204 5Q2021 1,384,252 235,500 (55,391) 127,257 (14,738) 112,519 4Q2021 1,815,648 307,795 (32,220) 227,324 (25,221) 202,104 4Q2019 1,360,549 254,905 (102,801) 139,118 1,130 140,248 6Q2021 1,207,842 136,060 (49,425) (928,191) (1,789) (929,980) FPE2021 ^ 8,606,169 1,425,411 (296,456) (94,599) (90,774) (185,373) FYE2019 4,528,621 810,834 (181,251) 544,828 (46,845) 497,983 2021 ^ 2019 Interest earning assets Cash and cash equivalents Interest bearing liabilities Sukuk (Islamic) Islamic financing facilities Others Interest earning assets Cash and cash equivalents Interest bearing liabilities Sukuk (Islamic) Islamic financing facilities Others As at 30 June RM’000 497,412 1,743,509 2,185,948 10,497 As at 31 December RM’000 1,306,591 2,010,467 1,312,213 16,847 Effective Interest Rate (%) Interest 7.3 6.30 - 6.99 2.00 - 8.40 3.27 - 11.00 Effective Interest Rate (%) Interest 1.6% 4.95 - 6.99 1.40 - 15.50 3.50 - 9.10 Income/ (Expenses) RM’000 36,387 (212,304) (113,625) (6,914) Income/ (Expenses) RM’000 21,522 (133,391) (57,445) (11,937) Group Quarterly Financial Performance Group Quarterly Financial Performance FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE