My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2021

MY E.G. SERVICES BERHAD Registration No. 200001003034 (505639-K) 266 9. PROPOSED RENEWAL OF AUTHORITY FOR DIRECTORS TO ALLOT AND ISSUE NEW MYEG SHARES IN RELATION TO THE DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN (“DRP”) THAT PROVIDES SHAREHOLDERS WITH AN OPTION TO ELECT TO REINVEST THEIR CASH DIVIDEND IN MYEG SHARE “THAT pursuant to the DRP approved by the shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 6 August 2020, approval be and is hereby given to the Company to allot and issue such number of new MYEG Shares for the DRP until the conclusion of the 22nd AGM, upon such terms and conditions and to such persons as the Directors may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit and in the interest of the Company PROVIDED THAT the issue price of the said new MYEG Shares, shall be determined and fixed by the Board of Directors (“the Board”) at not more than ten percent (10%) discount to the 5-day volume weighted average market price (“VWAP”) of MYEG Shares immediately preceding the price-fixing date, of which the VWAP shall be adjusted ex-dividend before applying the aforementioned discount in fixing the issue price at the material time; Ordinary Resolution 10 AND THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts and enter into all such transactions, arrangements, and documents as may be necessary or expedient in order to give full effect to the DRP with full power to assent to any conditions, modifications, variations and/ or amendments (if any) as may be imposed or agreed to by any relevant authorities or consequent upon the implementation of the said conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments, as the Board may, in its absolute discretion, deem fit and in the best interest of the Company.” 10. To transact any other business that may be transacted at the 21st AGM of which due notice shall have been given in accordance with the Act and the Constitution of the Company. By Order of the Board TAI YIT CHAN (MAICSA 7009143) (SSM PC No.: 202008001023) TAN AI NING (MAICSA 7015852) (SSM PC No.: 202008000067) Company Secretaries Selangor Darul Ehsan 27 April 2022 EXPLANATORY NOTES: (A) Audited Financial Statements This Agenda item is meant for discussion only as the provision of Section 340(1)(a) of the Act does not require a formal approval of the shareholders. Hence, this item is not put forward for voting. (B) Ordinary Resolution 2 – Payment of Directors’ fees and benefits for the FY2021 Payment of Directors’ Fees and Benefits under Section 230(1) of the Companies Act 2016 provides amongst others, that the Directors’ fees and any benefits payable to the Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries shall be approved at a general meeting. The current annual fee for the Directors’ fees, which was last approved by the Board of Directors in 2021 had remained unchanged since financial year 2020. During a review in 2021, the Remuneration Committee recommended and the Board has approved, subject to shareholders’ approval at this AGM, for Directors’ fees to remain unchanged. The Executive Directors do not receive executive remuneration and there are no benefits payable to Directors. Details of the Directors’ fees for FY2021 are set out in the Corporate Governance Statement of MYEG’s annual report for the financial year ended 31 December 2021 (“Annual Report 2021”) and Corporate Governance Report 2021. NOTICE OF THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (CONT’D)